In the bustling streets of Wakiso, Uganda, a small tailoring business held the key to Dan Mwesigwa's life transformation. His story is an inspiration to...
In the bustling streets of Wakiso, Uganda, a small tailoring business held the key to Dan Mwesigwa's life transformation. His story is an inspiration to many young people in his community. After facing numerous setbacks,...
National Slum Dwellers Federation of Uganda and ACTogether Uganda continues to make great effort for inclusive, safe resilient and sustainable cities where urban poor exploit opportunities to metamorphose their communities. In Kibuye 1 Parish,...
KIKANSHEMEZA EVELYNE is a female youth representative in Kabale region; one of the areas of operation of National Slum Dwellers Federation of Uganda and ACTogether Uganda and is a saver in lower BUGONGI BAKYARA...