TERMS OF REFERENCE; Development of the Slum Upgrading Toolkit




Assignment Title:                 Development of the Slum Upgrading Toolkit



Project Name:

ACTogether Uganda

Strengthening capacity for urban migration management and migrants’ livelihood improvement in Jinja City, Uganda” project

Location: Jinja City.
Starting Date: 23rd August to 24th September 2021
Duration: 25 working days


ACTogether UGANDA was established in 2006 as an independent Ugandan organization affiliated to the international network of Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI). ACTogether is registered as an NGO in Uganda and aspires to have fair and inclusive cities in Uganda with united and empowered urban poor communities, who have the capacity to voice, promote and effectively negotiate for their collective interests and priorities.

In partnership with Jinja City Council and support from Makerere University, ACTogether Uganda is implementing Strengthening capacity for urban migration management and migrants’ livelihood improvement in Jinja city, The project is aimed at: strengthening the capacity of Jinja city to manage migration and integrate urban migrants into the urban economy, build the resilience and improve livelihoods of urban migrants and slum dwellers in Jinja city who are experiencing migration related livelihood challenges. The project is also intended to Support formation and operationalization of a housing upgrading scheme help migrant and slum dwellers put up decent housing and access basic urban infrastructure.

In the fulfillment of her mandate, ACTogether Uganda seeks to recruit a consultant to Develop a toolkit on Housing upgrading.


The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Jinja City to manage migration and integrate urban migrants into the urban economy. The Housing Upgrading Scheme is an initial intervention that will promote rapid and visible progress to occur while larger policy debates on the urban poor and development are taking place. The overall goal of the Housing Upgrading Scheme is to enable the informal settlement-based organizations to access necessary support to implement initiatives to improve access to decent housing and basic urban infrastructure. It further aims at enabling the key stakeholders to effectively participate in planning, preparation, and execution of slum upgrading initiatives on a citywide scale through progressive incremental housing basis. Above all it seeks to address major bottlenecks facing the migrants which include: security of tenure, unemployment and poverty, poor standard of housing, inadequate access to basic urban services among others. The toolkit will therefore serve to guide the planning, implementation and management of the slum upgrading schemes.


ACTogether Uganda is looking for applications from individuals or team of consultants to develop Slum Upgrading toolkit to serve as a guide for upgrading of slum settlements in Jinja


  1. An inception report detailing the methodology and approach of undertaking the assignment.
  2. A draft copy of the Slum Upgrading Toolkit.
  3. Submission of a fully developed toolkit on Slum Upgrading which includes:
  • Practical tools and systems for planning, designing, implementing and managing community led citywide slum upgrading
  • Slum upgrading as a viable alternative to improve the living conditions and quality of life of poor households living in slums and informal settlements in Jinja City.

The Consultant shall also conduct a dissemination meeting with the end users of the toolkit to generate feedback which will be incorporated in the final toolkit. After capturing the feedback, the consultant shall then submit two final copies of the toolkit in two forms: Hard copy and  Soft copy.


 Reporting Line:   The consultant will work under direct supervision of the ACTogether Project Lead

5) Application details

The application file must include:

  • Detailed technical and financial proposals
  • Detailed CVs.
  • Deadline for applications: 15th August 2021 at 5:00 pm
  • Please send your applications to the following address:chudavies@gmail.com, cnimusiima@gmail.com


  • 5 years of practical experience in similar tasks related to urban planning, urban governance, urban management, housing development and human settlements management.
  • Advanced university degree in Architecture, Urban Planning, Housing studies,
    Development studies, social sciences or another related field is required
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